Spread More Kindness
November 9, 2022

How kind are you? The act of being kind to someone can take you far in life, which is why on November 13, we celebrate World Kindness Day. The purpose of World Kindness Day highlights good deeds by displaying acts of kindness in the community, and focuses on the positive power and the common thread of kindness. This special day was created in 1998 to promote generosity throughout the world, and is acknowledged in many countries including United States, Canada, Japan, and even Australia!
Here are some ideas and ways to be kind to others:
- Wave or smile when you walk by others – a smile can go a long way!
- Write positive messages on post-it notes and leave them for people to find
- Provide help or assistance to another without being asked
- Hold the door open for someone
- Tell a nurse, loved one, teacher, or friend how much you appreciate them
- Give a surprise gift to someone you care about
- Compliment someone
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