
Stay Active and Connected during the Winter

— The winter can be a challenging time to stay physically and socially active due to colder temperatures, slippery conditions, and fewer daylight hours. However, you’ll find it is worth the effort, because staying active and connected with others is a great way to keep the “winter blues” away. Here are a few things to try... Read More

The Gift of Sight Month

— Decorated trees, picturesque snowy landscapes, colorful presents, the joy of perusing old photo albums, the bright happy faces of family and friends reunited after a long year. There is no time of the year where it is clearer to see how important the gift of sight is than it is during the holiday season. During... Read More

Seven Fun Ways To Reuse Holiday Wrapping Paper

— Cut out snowmen, snowflakes, bells, or ornament shapes. Glue the shapes on cards. Add a string and hang them as seasonal decorations. Fold wrapping paper lengthwise. Cut out the shape of a tree, where the edges are touching the folds. Unfold the paper to reveal a chain of fancy trees. Cut wrapping paper into strips.... Read More

Embrace the Joys of the Holiday Season

— Embrace the holiday traditions that make this season meaningful, f rom decorating the tree and baking cookies to caroling and sharing meals. Each activity enriches our celebrations and reminds us of the joy of gathering with family and friends. Cozy cups of cocoa, ugly sweater parties, and family gift exchanges all enhance the holiday season.... Read More

December is Write a Friend Month

— Nothing is better than receiving a surprise letter in the mail! Whether it is an old friend, a family member, a soldier, or someone you have never met, receiving a personal correspondence can brighten up a winter day! The holidays are the perfect time to put pen to paper, and connect via written word with... Read More

Healthy Ways to Cope with Stress During the Holiday Season

— Feeling emotional, anxious, or having trouble sleeping can be normal reactions to stress, especially during the holiday season when family dynamics and expectations can add to the pressure. Holidays often involve big meals that may lead to weight gain, further contributing to stress. Here are some healthy ways to cope: Creative Writing: Express your feelings through poetry... Read More

Crafting Thanksgiving Fun Together

— Gathering together for Thanksgiving is a cherished tradition that strengthens family bonds and creates lasting memories. Engaging in seasonal hands-on crafts offers a wonderful opportunity for everyone to connect, share stories, and express their creativity. Here are some easy Thanksgiving crafts and projects that families can enjoy together over the holidays: Handprint Turkeys: Have grandchildren place... Read More

Diabetes Awareness Month: How Diabetes Can Affect Your Feet

— Diabetes can reduce blood flow and damage nerves, making wounds more likely to get infected and harder to heal, which can increase the risk of amputation. Anyone with diabetes can develop nerve damage, but these factors increase your risk: Blood sugar levels that are hard to manage Having diabetes for a long time, especially if... Read More

The Spooktacular Origin of Halloween

— Halloween, originally known as “All Hallows’ Eve,” has its roots in ancient Celtic traditions. It started over 2,000 years ago in what is now Ireland, where people celebrated Samhain, a festival marking the end of the harvest season and the beginning of winter. They believed that on this night, October 31, the boundary between the living... Read More