Add Significance to Your New Year’s Resolutions
January 3, 2023

The start of a new year is traditionally a time to reflect on the previous year and plan out resolutions for the months ahead. Popular resolutions include losing weight, getting more exercise, paying off debts, being more organized, trying new things, and traveling more.
While these types of self-improvement goals make for admirable resolutions, striving to become more selfless and generous can have a surprisingly significant impact. What are some resolutions related to giving that you can pursue in 2023?
Consider the following examples:
- Increase your financial giving to local church and charities.
- Increase your time donated to important causes.
- Write and send an encouraging note at least weekly.
- Smile and greet the first people you meet every morning.
- Perform an act of kindness weekly.
- Increase the number of people you share your faith with.
- Find a senior living center, community center, or animal shelter that needs volunteers
- Be an active participant in your local city council
- Donate blood multiple times during the year.
Be sure to set resolutions for yourself for the upcoming year that will help make a difference in the world. This can provide you with a special significance throughout the new year.
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